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Last edited: 27-Oct-2023
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Edited by: Alan Powell
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Product Directories

Search the Directories of Certified Products

Intertek provides safety and performance certification services to nationally recognized standards for a wide range of electric, gas, and oil-fueled products. These products range from commercial/consumer appliances to HVACR equipment to manufactured wood products. Items listed in our online directories will bear one of the ETL Listed, ETL Verified, ETL-EU, GS, S, RoHS, ASTA, BEAB, QPM, or Warnock Hersey Listed Marks.

If you would like to report an Intertek Certified/Tested product that does not appear to be compliant, or would like to report an Intertek Certified/Tested product that has been involved in an accident, click here and we’ll address your inquiry as soon as possible.


ASTA and BEAB Marks Directory — Products bearing the ASTA and/or BEAB Mark have been tested and proven to meet the minimum requirements of European and other international markets.

Building Products Directory — Building and construction products that bear our Warnock Hersey or ETL Mark have been tested and proven to meet minimum requirements of prescribed industry safety or performance standards.

Cabling Products Directory — ETL Verified Certificates of Conformance for Cabling Products.

Certificate Validation for Company Management Systems Directory — Companies with certified management systems that have been audited for compliance with national and international standards.

Cyber Assured Product Directory — View this directory to find the Cyber Assured Certification marks for consumer product focused listings which ensures security and provides comprehensive IoT security testing for connected consumer products.

Environmental & Sustainability Solutions — View this group of directories within Intertek’s portfolio of Environmental & Sustainability solutions, including our Energy Saving Mark Directory, our RoHS Certified Directory, and our Sustainability Certification Directory, which provides viewable certificates for products, facilities, and organisations certified by Intertek Sustainability. This directory includes certificates for Clean Air VOC emissions testing, BIFMA LEVEL®, and our Zero Waste to Landfill program, among others.

ES Mark Products Directory — A product bearing the ES Mark has been tested and proven to comply with the minimum requirements of a product standard.

ETL Listed Mark Directory — Any product bearing this mark has been tested and meets the minimum requirements of prescribed product safety standards for North America.

Access Mobile Version of the ETL Mark Directory

ETL-EU Mark Directory — The ETL-EU mark verifies that the product complies with applicable European Union (EU) standards and directives.

ETL Verified Certificates of Conformance for Cabling Products — Directory of cabling products that are part of an ongoing verification program to industry performance standards.

ETL Verified Mark Directories — A product bearing the ETL Verified Mark has been tested and proven to comply with the minimum requirements of a prescribed industry standard.

GS Mark Directory — Products bearing the GS Mark have been tested and proven to meet the minimum requirements of the German Equipment and Product Safety Act (GPSG).

LED Traffic Signal Modules Certified Products Directory — Intertek’s LED Traffic Signal Modules Certification Program incorporates the provisions called out in Section 6.3 of the ITE specifications; products that pass receive Intertek’s ETL Verified Mark.

Quality and Performance Marks Directory — Products bearing the Quality and Performance Mark (QPM) have been tested and proven to meet or exceed key purchasing criteria.

S Mark Directory — Products bearing the S Mark have been tested and proven to meet the minimum requirements of prescribed and harmonized EU product safety standards.

Sustainability Certification Directory — Directory of products, facilities, and organisations who have received a certification from Intertek Sustainability. Programs within this directory include, but are not limited to, Clean Air, BIFMA LEVEL®, and Zero Waste to Landfill. Certified products within this directory are integrated directly with the A&D community via supported data sites, such as the mindfulMATERIALS library.

Warnock Hersey UK Mark Directory — Building products bearing the Intertek Warnock Hersey UK mark have been tested using appropriate test methods to enable the performance categories where appropriate to be stated.

Wind Certification Directory—Wind turbines enlisted in Intertek's Wind Turbine Certification Program

This information listed in the directories is subject to the Certification Agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client, in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this information. Use of the Intertek name or its Certification marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product, or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow-up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification Mark in accordance with the Agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control, and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect.


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