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Last edited: 17-Jul-2019
Refresh age: 1836 days old
Edited by: Phoebe Tai
Content id: 646
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Content id: 646
Content title: ETL Verified Mark Directories
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ETL Verified Mark Directories

Product differentiation is an ongoing issue all manufacturers struggle with. A powerful tool to overcome this issue is proof via independent performance testing that products meet criteria set by industry associations or independent certification program administrators — like the ETL Verified programs administered by Intertek.

Products meeting the criteria established by sponsoring industry associations are published in annual or semi-annual directories, and products meeting criteria established by independent certification program administrators are listed in proprietary product directories.

Cabling and Wiring Products:
Cabling and wiring products bearing an ETL Verified or ETL Listed certification mark have been evaluated to consensus standards for performance or safety properties, respectively. To be added to our mailing list, email Antoine Pelletier.

Search Directory of ETL Verified Cabling Products

LED Traffic Signal Modules:
Intertek offers an LED Traffic Signal Modules Certification Program which incorporates the provisions called out in Section 6.3 of the ITE Specifications. Products that pass the testing will receive Intertek’s ETL Verified Mark. Please review our latest directory below:

Search Directory of LED Traffic Signal Modules Certified Products


This information listed in the directories is subject to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this information. Use of the Intertek name or its Certification marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect.
